Why Is My Energy Bill So High? 6 Steps To Saving Money

If you want to make progress toward any goal, you have to start by knowing where you are. Knowing where you are and where you want to be is the way to solve any problem, including high energy bills.

Did you know your home heating and cooling bill can represent 50% or more of your utility bill?

Where are you in your home comfort journey? Here are six steps you can take to help you reduce your high energy bills:

Step 1: Know what you’re working with:

The question is how familiar are you with the appliance that is responsible for heating and cooling your home? We get that your furnace is not the sexiest appliance in your house, but it is the most important one and can be the most costly one if you don’t take charge.

Did you deliberately research and choose a furnace that’s perfect for your home and the way you live OR did you inherit the heating system that came with your house?

For many people, they inherited the heating system in their house. It begs the question: is it the right system for your house? Was it properly sized? Has it been properly maintained? Has the air filter been changed regularly? And last but not least, how old is it?

Step 2: Understand efficiencies:

If you’re trying to save energy, understanding efficiencies is important. Twin City homeowners spend a hefty share of their energy budget on keeping their homes warm. Up to 50% or more of your utility bill goes toward heating and cooling your home.

Furnaces are measure by Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE). The higher the number, the higher the efficiency. Older furnaces might have an AFUE rating as low as 70%, while newer gas-fired furnaces are required to have a minimum AFUE rating of 80%. This means that the furnace uses at least 80% of the fuel that it consumes to generate heat for your home. The other 20% goes out the flue. Updating to a high-efficiency furnace (96-98% AFUE) can be the quickest path to reducing high energy bills.

Heat pumps are measured by Heating Seasonal Performance Factor (HSPF). The HSPF is a ratio of the heat output to electricity use over an average heating season, and the higher the HSPF the greater the energy efficiency.

Step 3: Take good care of your investment:

The most important thing you can do for your home comfort, safety, and your budget is to schedule a maintenance check-up for your furnace or heat pump. Your contractor will be able to evaluate your unit, check it for proper function, and advise you on the impact it has on your utility bill. It’s never too late to schedule a tune-up for your furnace or heat pump. If you haven’t done so yet, do it now!

The second most important thing for you to do is to make sure you regularly change your air filters. Talk to your contractor for a schedule that makes sense for you. Keep in mind that if you have a pet or multiple pets, someone in the house with asthma or allergies, you’ll want to replace the air filter more frequently.

Step 4: Check the humidity level in your home:

Last month we addressed the topic of dryness in the home. It is evident by dry skin, brittle nails, flyaway hair. It is also noticeable as a tickle in your throat, dry itchy eyes and nasal passage. Many people also notice that the doors are harder to close, their furniture looks dry and their hardwood floors lack their luster.

Did you know having proper humidity levels in the home can help you feel warmer and may allow you to lower the temperature by a couple degrees? If you haven’t done so already, check on getting a whole house humidifier. It will increase your home comfort and can contribute to lowering your utility bill.

Step 5: Add a programmable thermostat or WiFi thermostat:

If you’d rather save your hard-earned money than spend it on rising monthly energy bills, a programmable thermostat is a beneficial investment.

Tired of paying for heating and cooling while you are away from home eight hours a day or more?

Are you done with returning to an uncomfortable home in an effort to save energy?

A programmable thermostat offers a solution. Designed to automatically adjust the temperature in your home based on a series of pre-programmed settings for various times of the day, programmable thermostats set you up for comfort and energy savings year-round.

Step 6: You could qualify for rebates and incentives!

A large percentage of installed furnaces and air conditioners do not meet current efficiency standards set by the federal government. Today’s new equipment is far more efficient than models even just 10 years old. The energy saving alone is a reason to consider an upgrade. You can expect a lowered utility bill right away and you may even qualify for rebates and incentives.

Amana offers super high-efficiency furnaces and air conditioners. Many are ENERGY STAR® rated. Take charge of your high energy bills today! Reach out to an Amana Preferred Contractor today.

Why work with the A-Team of Amana® Preferred Contractors?

The A-Team is a select group of heating and cooling contractors. They are Amana® Preferred Contractors. They are the best of the best, the cream of the crop of all heating contractors in the Twin Cities. They’ll answer your questions and get you on your way to better home comfort. They can help you beat those high energy bills.

Why Amana® brand?

Amana® is proudly designed, engineered, and assembled in the U.S.A., with the largest manufacturing plant located in Texas. Amana® offers hands down the BEST warranty in the business and is backed up by the BEST contractors in the Twin Cities. If you’re ready to find out if a whole house humidifier is in your future, turn to a member of the A-Team. The Amana® preferred contractors are the best of the best of contractors in the Twin Cities.

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